Can't get GameKit iCloud resolveConflictingSavedGames working

I have saved games being implemented in iCloud via GameKit code in my app. It has been working correctly for months.

However, I recently encountered an issue with saved game conflicts.

The 'conflict detected' callback of GameKit is being triggered. I am trying to properly handle this, but it's not working.

This is what I am currently doing:

  • Receive the callback
  • I am passed 2 saved game instances
  • I chose the instance with the newest modification time stamp
  • I call GameKitLoad with that chosen saved game instance
  • I successfully receive a byte[] of data loaded from the saved game instance
  • I then call GameKitResolveConflicts with the following parameters --- Param 1: the original array of 2 saved game instances --- Param 2: the byte[] received after loading the newest instance --- Param 3: my callback
  • I also verify that the parameters I am passing are non-null, non-zero-length, and have valid data

However, I get the following error printed out to my log

"The requested operations could not be completed because one or more parameters are invalid."

And then my callback is invoked with a 'false' result status.

From this point on, all iCloud functions fail and saving / loading is impossible.

I am unsure what is wrong, but any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time

Can't get GameKit iCloud resolveConflictingSavedGames working