




Apple API request to submit a subscription for review failed
I am trying to submit my subscription review using the API from Apple. The data I submitted is:{"subscriptionSubmissionCreateRequest": {"data":{"type":"subscriptionSubmissions","relationships":{"subscription":{"data":{"type":"subscriptions","id":"6737030290"}}}}}} My subscription information is complete and correct. However, the Apple interface prompts an error and returns the following information:{"err":"unexpected status code 409: { "errors" : [ { "id" : "4267a135-2d27-4764-bcb3-85bd0247e60a", "status" : "409", "code" : "STATE_ERROR.INVALID_REQUEST_ENTITY_STATE_INVALID", "title" : "Thissubscriptionisnotinavalidstate.", "detail" : "Thissubscriptioncannotbereviewed,pleasecheckassociatederrors.", "meta" : { "associatedErrors" : { "/v1/subscriptions/6737030290" : [ { "id" : "e1db8b8f-a73a-4146-bc58-dd12c171379b", "status" : "409", "code" : "STATE_ERROR.SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_SUBMITTED", "title" : "YoucannotsubmityourSubscriptionforreviewwhenitisnotsubmittablestate." } ] } } } ] }"} In Apple's Developer Console, the "Submit" button appears blue, which indicates that I haven't submitted the data before and it's not currently under review. However, when I click the button, I still get the same error message. I would like to understand why I'm unable to submit the review. Where could the issue be? I hope someone can assist me with this.
Oct ’24
I need a help with Create a Subscription Price Change
Hello everyone: I have a question regarding subscription price settings that I would like to ask. The specific API is this one: When I set the initial price, for example, setting a price point A for the US, one of the parameters I set for this price point is preserveCurrentPrice as false. Now, when I want to adjust the price from price point A to price point B, there are two scenarios: Adjusting for all users. Adjusting for new users only. In both scenarios, when I set price point B, should I set the preserveCurrentPrice parameter to true? Do I need to reset any attributes for price point A, or will Apple automatically handle whether to retain price point A when I only set price point B? I would appreciate it if someone could help me answer this. Thank you all!
Oct ’24