I am not holding my breath for this one, but if you get any traction, please let us know.
Thanks for the pro follow-up, @JoeKun!
I'll await your update here.
Thanks, @makabaka1880. That same pattern works for me in all but the case I've mentioned with .includeTopResults.
Great news, @JoeKun.
Thanks for the pro follow-up.
Hi @JoeKun, FYI: the issue is still there.
Hi @snuff4,
I finally got back around to this and your struct does work, thanks!
I do have to do the following to get the albums into a from I can work with of the playlist:
let albums = items.compactMap{$0.relationships.catalog.compactMap{$0}}.flatMap{$0}
This is probably because I'm too lazy and dumb on Swift.
Frankly the whole reason I'm doing this is because of what I think is a bug in the iOS Music app, which I've asked the ever-helpful @JoeKun to check out here.
And after going through this exercise, I realize that "recently added" isn't going to help, because what I want to do is check recently added for songs that do not exist in certain user library playlists. And since I can only get Albums, followed by subsequent API calls to get Tracks from said Albums, I can only know if there is an intersection of playlist tracks with the recently added album tracks, which lets me ask: "What are the tracks in recently added that are not in this particular playlist", but results in potentially all of the recently added album tracks that I don't care about.
I wish Recently Added had an option for tracks, and I think I'm not alone with that sentiment.
Hi @JoeKun,
Thanks for responding.
I believe it should be FB9857866.
Thanks for the reply, @JoeKun. If things ever get fixed, it would be nice to know; otherwise, I'll keep trying with hope first and the workaround second.
Thanks, @JoeKun!
One thing that I found is that these issues seem to occur when making a catalog request based on an ISRC.
While it would be nice to use ISRC, it seems more problematic than just using a search string, which seems to always return song that are playable.
Hi @s.hk,
Thanks for your response.
I'll open a ticket per your advice.
Thanks @JoeKun, for your follow up.
While I don't quite know what "opaque" actually means, I think you've confirmed that the Apple Music app does not presently support what I'm trying to do.
I shall follow your advice and file a ticket.
@JoeKun have there been any developments that now allow the deletion of tracks in a user's playlist (initiated by th user, of course)?
Hi @KoheKangu,
Thanks for taking the time to comment and for your advice.
numbering in markdown not quite working here.
Thanks @JoeKun. I replied there.
I can't seem to remove posts, so this will probably have to stay...