




Bluetooth not working
Hello. I have an Iphone 6s workign with an iOS 14.4.2 and I'm having bluetooth connection issues for a couple of months ( actually since the previous update came out ) . Sometimes my bluetooth connection just goes off and there is a spinning wheel when I open the bluetooth settings. Normally, this lasts for a couple of days after which it fixes by itself. But then after a couple more days it goes bad again. The problem is not my earpods because there are no devices which appear when I open the settings menu. I have tried all kind of "fixes" like reinstalling my phone settings completely, or only the connection settings, turning the phone off , anything but it still does not work properly. And I don't think it's a hardware issue... because probably it wouldn't work at all which is not the case. It just stops working sometimes for a couple of days. thank you
Apr ’21