




Apple is defining result as a variable
this is my script set SnakeDrawing to "0)))))))))" set AttackMessage to "You went to the snake with your brand new Iron Sword, As confident as a wolf you strike the snake and kill it ine one ****! proudly you open the chest and get another part of the map! you go through the door and find some food to eat, you rest for a minute or so and continue on your journey." set SnakeMessage to "You reached to the snake location and find a pathway but you can't barehandedly attack those snakes, why dont you check the shack treasure chest." set ShackMessage to "You enter the shack, there on the floor you find a chest. You open it and inside there was a Iron Sword [Automaticaly Equiped]" set ExplanitoryMessage to "since you had a good look you probably want to know what the little markings mean right? If you do then let me tell you. - is a door, _ is nothing but land, * is a treasure, V is you and ~~ is a snake different enemies will appear across different map sections" set MapForm1 to "XXXXXXXXXXXX XV___________X                    X_X---X___X~~X X_X__X___X  -  XXXXXXXXXXXX" display dialog "You awaken from what seems to be a deep slumber, noticing you have forgotten all knowledge puts fear into your heart. You have found a map on your lap" buttons {"Open", "Throw it out"} default button 1 if the button returned of the result is "Open" then display dialog MapForm1 buttons {"Had a good glance? You will have another chance to look again later."} else display dialog "This map pulses with energy, you couldn't convince yourself to throw it out so you opened it" buttons {"Continue"} end if if the button returned of the result is "Continue" then display dialog MapForm1 buttons {"Had a good glance? You will have another chance to look again later."} end if display dialog ExplanitoryMessage buttons {"I understand so LETS EXPLORE!"} display dialog "You have 2 areas to go to, either the snake or the shack, what do you pick?" buttons {"Shack", "Snake"} if the button returned of the result is "Shack" then display dialog ShackMessage buttons {"Awesome!"} else display dialog SnakeMessage buttons {"Continue to shack"} end if if the button returned of the result is "Continue to shack" then display dialog ShackMessage buttons {"Awesome!"} if the button returned of the result is "Awesome!" then display dialog AttackMessage buttons {"Great let’s continue!"} display dialog "The snake was a beautiful creature so I drew it on your notebook, want to see?" buttons {"Ok why not?", "Later"} if the button returned of the result is "Ok why not?" then display dialog SnakeDrawing buttons {"It's Beautiful!", "It looks terrible ;-;"} if the button returned of the result is "Later" then display dialog "Ok" buttons {"Continue"} if the button returned of the result is "It looks terrible ;-;" then display dialog "I'm starting to regret helping you out, please don't be mean" buttons {"Ok I won't be mean"} end if if the button returned of the result is "It's Beautiful!" then display dialog "Thanks! I worked really hard on it" buttons {"No problem!"} end if end if end if end if display dialog "The End For Now" buttons {"Ok ;("}
Aug ’21