




Xcode Cloud stopped working: neither Xcode nor browser can connect
I started to use Xcode Cloud recently trying to understand how the whole build process etc. works. I created some workflows, integrated ci scripts to let fastlane create snapshots in the end, and everything seem to work while I was making progress step by step to get it up and running (struggling with the environment, etc.). Then last night it suddenly stopped working in the form, that Xcode shows the builds, but the last build still shows a spinner, although the job has finished already When I try to cancel the last run from Xcode (thought it was not finished) I get an error: Failed to Cancel Build 57. An internal error occurred while authenticating. Try again later. (FB13802231) When I open Manage Workflows…, Xcode suddenly shows "This operation could not be completed" and details reveal: The operation couldn’t be completed. ((extension in XcodeCloudKit):XcodeCloudAPI.Client.HTTPClientError error 0.) (FB13802952) Trying to access the Xcode Cloud tab of the app or general from users and permissions shows a white page with a spinner. The console filtered by Xcode shows (around the time the error happens): Failed to query public key: 0xe800000c The Safari browser console shows: An internal error occurred while authenticating. Try again later. What works: I can login to AppStore Connect without problem. I am logged-in in Xcode (but there's no option to logout and re-login) I can use tools like fastlane with API calls (or some xcc command line tool) and list the products, workflows and runs using my API key. From this information I also figured out, that the build in question (57) where Xcode still shows the spinner, has finished (failing) already. I was also able to start a new build manually (58) via API, which however has finished 3 seconds after creation, but has never started (startedDate is empty while createdDate and finshedDate contains data). I was able to delete the workflow via API in hope that the problem goes away, but theres no change in Xcode (still shows the same picture with the workflow and last build 57 spinning). I should have used <4 / 25 hours of free plan of Xcode Cloud this month, so limit not exceeded. I'm on macOS 14.4.1, Xcode 15.3. Seems I can't make use of Xcode Cloud at all anymore right now which keeps me from proceeding now on my way to first time deliver to AppStore (still understanding and learning). I also provided info about the 2 Xcode errors as feedback, which I linked above. Any help on how to reset / do whatever is necessary to make it work again is very much appreciated.
May ’24