No you can't. You app has to be entirely offline and not require any network connection.
Where can I find which cards support this?
That would work for taps but I need to detect swipes and the cells need to animate accordingly. It’s a photo viewer so cells are full width and you and swipe between them.
I was following this guide
Those two that you provided edit the thumb in thumbRect and don't mention the track. Looking at them are you saying I have to create another subclass for the track view then use that in trackRect?
I noticed that if I set the set the min and max track image I don't get that behaviour however the ends are then both square.
I think when the track height is at it's default height the thumb usually covers that section of the track so maybe that behaviour is somewhat intentional? I have found one other case with a similar behaviour although that had something to do with the language set being right aligned. Other than that I haven't come across anyone else with this issue. Is there any other way to increase the track height? Im trying to make the slider look like the one in control centre (macOS).
I overdid trackRect to increase the track height
Yeah that is the whole subclass. That issue only happens when you move the thumb to the end of the track.
Added a comment with the subclass code
I used async/await and the lag does seem to have mostly gone but it still isn’t as smooth as it should be there’s still a tiny bit of lag/frame drop when you first scroll.
Nevermind the app is in SwiftUI which I'm not really familiar with and the viewModel initialisation was in another file. It was supposed to be initialised like this
`let albumService = LocalAlbumService()
let favoritesService = LocalFavoritesService()
let recommendationService = MLRecommendationService()
AlbumsView(viewModel: AlbumsViewModel(albumService: albumService, favoritesService: favoritesService, recommendationService: recommendationService))`
If I do that I'm not sure what to set albumService, favouritesService and recommendationService as because they are protocols with functions. In the example there is no initialisation for viewModel, how would that work?
The collection view controller is one of the views in my tab bar (created in storyboard) there are no segues (to or from) CVC and CVC also isn’t referenced/created anywhere else in my app. The error does come up as soon as the app is launched even when CVC is not set as the initial view.
Not sure how I should be initialising the CollectionView Controller? With viewModel there isn’t really anything to set in CVC I just need to call the functions from that class. It’s used like this but I don’t see any initialisation used here
I don't have any initialisations other than the one I've shown (Sorry still relatively new). So if I implement that I get the error Property 'self.viewModel' not initialized at super.init call If I add viewModel there what should it be set to?