I'm experiencing the same issue with a ScrollView with two axis set: ScrollView centers the content.
– Embedding in a VStack yields the same result, hence it's not a workaround (anymore?)
– Also having two nested ScrollView, one for each axis, doesn't produce the same scrolling behaviour as one ScrollView with the two axis.
Is as if there was an anchor point set somewhere that defaults to center when using this both axis.
Any ideas?
I'm also facing this issue and can't find the relevant documentation to make this work.
The code for RenameButton() https://developer.apple.com/forums/tags/wwdc2022-110343 does not seem to be working out of the box, even when combined with the .renameAction { } as showed in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/renamebutton
Any working examples would be very appreciated!
I'm having the same issue here with the same side effect as @stevepvc: i.e. my renaming algorithm works on the simulator but not on the actual device.
My app does correctly request access to files and folders as it shows under Privacy & Security. I'm testing on iPadOS 16.3 beta
Further investigation revealed that the Smart Selection feature is not really a PKCanvasView but a product of the interaction between a PKToolPicker and a PKCanvasView. That means that only when the PKToolPicker is visible the Smart Selection feature would run.
Therefore the title of this post should be "Disable Smart Selection feature on PKToolPicker / PKCanvasView", and then the workaround (without any API changes) would be to hide the PKToolPicker as soon as a touch is detected on the PKCanvasView.
At the moment this is s an issue in iPadOS 18 beta 4.
My feedback is FB14511673:
On a PKCanvasView or a subclass there’s no documented approach to disable text (or stroke) selection that comes from the Smart Selection feature. In SwiftUI there’s a .textSelection modifier that permits this but it doesn’t have its counterpart in UIKit, or at least not in a understandable way.
This applies to all versions of iPadOS, including iOS 18 beta 4.
Please provide a mechanism to selectively disable this feature from a PKCanvasView.
Similar issue(s) here. Please file feedback. The issues below are all still happening on iPadOS 18.2 Beta 2
FB14855728 - Navigation bar background transparent (and unmodifiable) on iPadOS 18.x
FB14849205 - ToolbarTitleMenu not showing on iPadOS 18.x
FB15164292 - On a navigation bar created by a DocumentGroup, all customizable items from the toolbar appear by default on iPadOS 18.1 beta 4
FB14855668 - statusBarHidden(_:) view modifier not respected on iPadOS 18.x