




iOS 14 widgets are only crashing on prod
I have some iOS 14 widgets that are not crashing locally. Yet I can see on the crash report in Xcode that there are multiple crashes occurring in production, when I symbolicate them it insinuates it's the result of a 3rd party library. Yet once this library is removed, the crashes are still occurring (on a beta build). For widgets, if they crash do they default to the place holder? Debugging via widgets is not proving to be very helpful for this situation. What else can I do here?
May ’21
How can I provide dynamic data to custom intent handler for widget configuration?
Context: I'm using a Custom Intent, called TestConfiguration, for the new iOS 14 widget I've created and I have "Dynamic Options" checked. My goal is to allow the user to edit the widget view, based off an option selected from a list retrieved from the backend, and have the changes be reflected on the widget itself. I have a class called IntentHandler that adheres to TestConfigurationIntentHandling. Within this delegate method func provideAssetsOptionsCollection(for intent: TestConfigurationIntent, with completion: @escaping (INObjectCollection<TestIntentItem>?, Error?) -> Void) { I've tried to call the backend in this delegate method, but it always tells me "No options were provided for this parameter". So I dug in the documentation and saw the confirm delegate method and implemented it like so: func confirm(intent: TestConfigurationIntent, completion: @escaping (TestConfigurationIntentResponse) -> Void) { &#9;&#9;completion(TestConfigurationIntentResponse(code: .inProgress, userActivity: nil)) &#9;&#9;backendService.fetchData() { result in &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;//format all the data &#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;completion(TestConfigurationIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: nil)) &#9;&#9;} } But this didn't seem to work either since it's still giving me the same response. What am I not understanding / how can I get this done?
Oct ’20
Keychain bug with iOS 14 Widgets?
We use keychain to sync some data between the widget and the main app. When the widget is being previewed in the gallery, it shows the correct data that was synced from the app - but the moment the user adds the widget on to their home screen, the data(that was previously shown on the gallery) no longer persists and instead defaults to the placeholder text. This very same code works fine locally. Any ideas what's going on here?
Sep ’20