




Reply to How to add menu items to dock item when app not running
[quote='800626022, DTS Engineer, /thread/762250?answerId=800626022#800626022'] First off, are you sure you actually want a "NSDockTilePlugin"? NSDockTilePlugin is specifically how an app that ISN'T running can update it's dock icon [/quote] Hi Kevin. No I'm not sure but… what I want to provide for my app is a context menu on the dock icon that shows the last 10(?) folder URLs that were browsed from the app - just as Xcode shows the latest projects without having to open Xcode. [quote='800626022, DTS Engineer, /thread/762250?answerId=800626022#800626022'] Finally, on the menu side, dock menus are actually handled through the applicationDockMenu() delegate method. [/quote] I tried this but it didn't show the menu before the app was running. This is what I want, but with the list instead of just one and before the app has started. This seems to automatically take the title bar caption, which I set to a representative text of the URL. If NSDockTilePlugin is "deprecated", where can I find how to implement this "app extension" that you mention? Have I explained myself clearly enough? If not, please let me know. This is for an app that has been out there for several years and I just got a user request.
Aug ’24
Reply to QLThumbnailGenerator loading wrong images
Well, since nobody else seems to be able to answer this question, I will do it myself… It turns out I was using the wrong QLThumbnailGenerator. override func prepareForReuse() { super.prepareForReuse() if let request = self.request { thumbnailGenerator.cancel(request) self.request = nil } imageView?.image = NSImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "Placeholder") The problem was so subtle. One thing I didn't quote in my original post was that I had a var that holds a private QLThumbnailGenerator instance and it was this that I was using to cancel the request, even though I was using the shared instance in the loadImage method. As soon as I switched the loadImage method to use the private var, everything started to work better. I say better because there was still the occasion when the generator would return a nil image for some obscure reason. So, for those times, I have a helper method that loads those thumbnails the "old fashioned" way… static func previewOfFile(at url: URL, size: NSSize, asIcon: Bool = false, completion: @escaping (NSImage) -> ()) { let cfUrl = url as CFURL guard let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(cfUrl, nil), let image = getImage(for: imageSource, at: url, size: size) else { completion(NSWorkspace.shared.icon(forFile: url.path)) return } completion(image) } … and the full code now reads… let thumbnailGenerator = QLThumbnailGenerator() var request: QLThumbnailGenerator.Request? func loadImage() { imageView?.image = NSImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "Placeholder") request = QLThumbnailGenerator.Request(fileAt: self.url!, size: self.imageSize, scale: 1.0, representationTypes: [.lowQualityThumbnail]) self.thumbnailGenerator.generateRepresentations(for: self.request!) { (thumbnail: QLThumbnailRepresentation?, type: QLThumbnailRepresentation.RepresentationType, error: Error?) -> Void in DispatchQueue.main.async { let transition = CATransition() transition.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: CAMediaTimingFunctionName.easeInEaseOut) transition.duration = 0.5 self.imageView?.layer?.add(transition, forKey: nil) self.imageView?.image = thumbnail?.nsImage if thumbnail?.nsImage == nil { DispatchQueue.main.async { ThumbnailImage.previewOfFile(at: self.url!, size: self.imageSize) { [unowned self] retrievedImage in transition.duration = 0.3 self.imageView?.image = retrievedImage } } } I hope this is of use to anyone else who stumbles across this issue
Jun ’21