I have a problem with Weatherkit and recive data error with
2022-12-04 11:22:05.564713+0900 weatherProject[13140:412146] [WeatherDataService] Response did not contain requested dataset: .appLocationConfig. Returning default value: AppLocationConfig(reportAnIssue: ReportIssueLocationConfig(position: beforeFooter, minDaysSinceInteraction: 0), expireTime: 2022-12-04 02:52:05 +0000
func getCurrnetWeather(CLlocation: CLLocation, completion: @escaping () -> Void){
Task {
do {
let result = try await weatherService.weather(for: CLlocation)
weather? = result
} catch {
How Can I solve this problem?
I Checked my account identifier.
But still have problem...
I want to create a property with CLLocation's longitude and latitude.
I tried adding lazy before the variable.
There is no error, but the longitude and latitude results are not applied to the attributes.
I made a func and tried to use it but it's no use.
It just throws an error saying it found nil.
What is the problem?
I tried to solve it by myself for a long time, but It is too difficult for me who started studying. I need your kind help.
CLLocation in Swift please help.