Hi @jeremyhu, thanks for this. I'm about to try Xcode 13 beta, but I'm worried that we will run into other issues using an early beta, and we need to submit our app next month. What are the chances of an Xcode 12.5.1 with this fix in it?
This is kind of a terrible workaround, as it can be tedious or impossible to get to that view in the full app (perhaps the path to it has not yet been implemented). I don't mind if it launches in the simulator, but I'd really need Xcode to to grab the preview and present that.
It also would've been nice to have a note about this feature's removal.
And can you at least let console logging show up while previewing?
Oh my god. @IOSDevDaniel, that's what it is! It's when there are exactly two NavigationLinks in the origin view.
No, it needs to run all the time, and I have to be able to run on macOS 12.
Yes, thank you, I know. My point is that it shouldn't be trying to build for x86, only arm64.
Thank you! This is sooo stupid on Apple's part. But thank you for the easy workaround!
It's simple: for testing macOS betas, especially in the early stages. I'm trying to install ventura 13.3 b, and I want to test my app on it to see if you've fixed a crash. Allowing me to log in with my AppleID means I can sync settings, passwords, and run Xcode.
Always err on the side of being too wordy! Apple is notorious for being too sparse.
FB12010833 for changing configuration on the fly.
FB12010835 for improving clipboard docs.
I haven't been able to sign my app. I would love to be able to just copy the development build over (which does run without issue on the host Mac), but that doesn't run. So I tried a bunch of different ways to archive and export it, but I can't get a "direct to customer" signature to work at all.
However, as part of that effort, I did add the VM's UDID to my developer account, and now the (far too spartan) information in Xcode says there are two macOS devices in the Xcode-managed profile, hopefully one of them is the VM; I'll try again...that worked!
Already did: FB12458275
I get a number of notifications that persist, and I have NEVER deliberately notifications to be persistent. It might just be the Calendar app that does this.
I decided to try DistributedNotificationCenter. It doesn't fire at all without deliverImmediately: true, and then I get TWO notifications for each one that I send.