For images, NSCache is a good way, even I think, that all these kinds of apps use a preview Image before the video start.
For large data maybe it's better to download the video and cache it on cachesDirectory using the file manager, writing the data on a file, and then, before fetching from the internet the second time, you can see if you have it on the cachesDirectory. If you'll find the file use its URL to make your logic with it.
Provide any screenshot with no sensitive data on it, to try to know what happens. In any case to keep in touch with Apple file a bug report on feedback assistant or ask for help with IT ticket support.
Please, paste the error and "build log" on the question.
The color tone depends on the screen type, I mean, you will not see the same color on a screen with true tone on, as in others. Also if it's OLED or another type.
Same error. Any workaround?
It seems like the launch app keeps a reference to the app we removed, so it tries to launch it, but the id that test is using does not exist (because the app is removed), so it throws an error and reinstalls the app.
Yes, the test flow ended and all works as expected, but ... an error is shown on the result.
You can use the guided access iPhone feature. But it's recommended to look for a good parental control app.
As dar as I know, you can't.
If you want to move all the button logic on a class, use a class referenced from the view, this class should be a @StateObject variable, and you can call yourClass.method() when the button is tapped on.
Which are the conflict lines? Could you edit the example again to view it more clear?
I think you are declaring structs inside the ContentView body.
if you do it outside of it, should work.
Seems to be something related to the framework MultiplatformBleAdapter, please reach out to the developer/organization who manage it. Maybe the Framework provided has no module map for the current architecture to against you are building the project.
Did you change your path to the new Xcode? sudo xcode-select -s pathToTheNewXcode
Also, you have to recompile using the new Xcode.
It will use by default 16.X simulators, but you can chose whichever you want till Xcode allows it (I mean, a simulator with iOS 12 maybe it's not allowed)
Looking forward a solution/workaround, thanks for your attention
Thanks, for the investigation. The issue was marked as resolved. Because literally "Works as currently designed". Could you clarify this? Why is it working as designed? I think that the reply on the thread can be great to get it know to all users in the forum
Thanks in advance
They kind of code is an offer custom code. We have the same app (bundle id) on macOS (Mac catalyst) and iOS. It was generated on the related section (offer codes) in the App Store Connect. We filled a feedback assistant FB12075457 this is something that we are looking for a reply. We filled lots of feedback assistants in the past but never the status changed.
Thanks in advance.