Hi,I'm stumped here. I have a settings screen made up of a UITabelView. Some settings are just simple cells and some I have as UIviews layed out in InterfaceDesiger and loaded from the xib.Currently these views have hardcoded heights. So when I load the view I add it as a subview to the cells contentview and then set the cell height to the hardcoded values in heightForRowAtIndexPath.Now I want all this to be adaptive. I have set up the UIViews and their content with all possible constraints but when I insert the view the cell and it's content view will not do anything by default.I guess I need to programatically create the constrains that makes MY views width adjust to the table width and other constraints that will force the cell height follow the calculated height of MY cell.Have anyone done something like this and could provide any thoughts or idéas?Kind regards,Jan
Hi everyone,I have an older app that I've been re-writing the GUI to be adaptive. I'ts nice to see all new features iOS enables today, I have more features now in much less code than before.But I've stumbled on one thing here.I use a UISplitView, much like the Mail interface, with a list of documents in the MasterView and after you select one it displays in full in the DetailView.Now on an iPad in portrait mode I have some grieves with the UI:When the SplitView is initially presented the MasterView is hidden. I would love to be able to pop-out the MasterView so the user know that they should pick a document to view.My workaround is to auto-load the first document in the list even if the user don't want that so they don't stare at a blank screen.But my main problem is that I want to auto-close the MasterView when the user have selected a document, like Mail does. Now my users have to manually close the MasterView that are obstructing half of the document they wanted to see.Previously the were a way to do this using methods in UISplitViewControllerDelegate and UIPopoverController but these are now deprecated.I see a lot of people asking for ways to control the visibility of the pop-over MasterController and I can't find a documented way to do this.Mail obviously are doing this so how can I implement something similar?
This is a weird one: We have a iOS project that has CorePlot as a sub-project that builds it's .a file that are linked with our binary.
Everything worked fine on Xcode 14.2 but building the projects with 14.3 I get a massive amount of errors of this kind:
"Mixing declarations and code is incompatible with standards before C99"
That relates to declarations that are not at the top a functions and that has been normal for as long as I have written Obj-C.
It only happen in the CorePlot files not in our own. I can't find any special differences between the sub-project and the enclosing projects settings.
Since it's has worked for years in all older versions of Xcode, I suspect this is something related to 14.3 and perhaps some older project formats?
Any ideas to try?
I've already messed with the compiler version settings, but both projects had GNU99 set, and changing it would did nothing...
Any AppAuth users here?
I have implemented a generic support for OpenID Connect using the AppAuth framework for my apps. I have used the easy way of fetching the configuration document from the IDP and let that control the connection.
Now I have a IDP that say that we must use client_secret_jwt, and they will not allow anything else. But in the config document they list all available auth methods like this:
"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported" = (
So my client uses the client_secret_basic and later gets rejected. Since I've not used the req auth method.
The reason is that they want to phase out the use of _basic and _post, but they have some legacy system they must support.
I haven't found anything documented about the logic behind what auth method AppAuth uses, but my guess it starts at the top of the list and uses the first one suggested?
Is there a way for me to force AppAuth to only use client_secret_jwt regardless of what the config document say?
If anyone know a better forum to ask this, please let me know!