




SwiftUI's DragGesture broken in Catalyst apps on macOS 11?
I have a Mac Catalyst app with some custom SwiftUI sliders. After upgrading to macOS Big Sur I've noticed that the sliders are difficult to use. After some digging and debugging it looks like the DragGesture is interrupted (i.e. stopped without calling onEnded) as soon as the cursor leaves the dragged view's frame. So, if you drag slowly everything's good, go a bit faster and you 'loose' the knob. In iOS, iPadOS and Catalina the same code works just fine. I have filed this to Apple using the Feedback Assistant, but thought that maybe you'll have some thoughts on this or maybe a workaround ideas. Have you got any? Kind regards, Jan
Nov ’20
Using Metal in a thumbnail extension
Hello All! I am working on a document browser based app that renders its documents using Metal. I’ve added a thumbnailing extension within which I use Metal to render the document image to a texture and then the texture is drawn in the supplied CGContext. When running the app in simulator all seems to be good, but when I ran the extension on a device I got a message „Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Insufficient Permission (to submit GPU work from background) (IOAF code 6).” Question: is there a way around this or do I have to redesign the way I provide the thumbnails in the extension? Regards, Jan
Aug ’20