




Bluetooth HID Button Release Not Working on iPad for Bluetooth Pointer
I am developing a Bluetooth pointer device to control an iPad using HID. Most functionality works well, including mouse movement and button presses. However, I am encountering a strange issue with button releases. For the HID descriptor for the iPad I defined the following: 0501 0902 A101 8503 0509 // Mouse Buttons 1901 2902 // 2 buttons 1500 2501 9502 // Report count for two buttons 7501 8102 9501 7506 // Padding 8103 0501 0901 A100 1500 // Min value 26FF7F // Max value (0...32767) 0930 0931 7510 9502 8102 // Absolute coordinate pointer C0 Do you see an issue with the descriptor? Example packages sent over bluetooth: 0xA103 01 4F3A FB50 // 01 is a left button click, works well, an icon is clicked on iPad. 0xA103 00 4F3A FB50 // 00 should be a left button release, package is sent and received, but button is NOT released, but held on the iPad! The mouse coordinates are updated well, however, I expect the button to be released when sending 0xA103 00 4F3A FB50, but it is held down instead. Perhaps there is a special requirement for iOS to make this work? It is close to be fully functioning.
Dec ’24