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I have an external build target. It's a Make-based target, very simple:all: foo.txtfoo.txt: echo $(PWD) > foo.txtThe directory containing the Makefile is selected as the contents of the Directory field in the External Build Tool Configuration panel of the target's Info tab, and "Pass build settings in environment" is also checked.If the Xcode project containing this as its sole target is build with the IDE, a blank foo.txt file appears.If built from the command line with xcodebuild, a foo.txt file with the directory selected in the Directory field, as noted above, appears.I recently upgraded to Xcode11.0 (11A420a) from the last available Xcode 10 version. I was using the latter when I used to compile real projects that depended on the setting of $(PWD) when the Makefile runs.-=-=-=-I can change the 'Arguments' field of the target to $(ACTION) FALLBACK_PWD=$(SRCROOT)/test_dir and change the Makefile to add three lines at the top:ifeq ($(PWD),) PWD=$(FALLBACK_PWD)endifall: foo.txtfoo.txt: echo $(PWD) > foo.txtbut this is grotesque. Have others seen this issue as well?And could this be related to perhaps?
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I have a set of .xcconfig files, that form a mesh of sorts through the #include mechanism. There are some basic components (e.g. perhaps a boost.xcconfig that lets me change the base of the boost include hierarchy if I have multiple installations on this machine) and then higher-level components and .xcconfig files that might each include several lower-level components.Then I have a bunch of legacy library + command-line-tool + unit-test projects, primarily used by linux-based products but which need to run on macOS as well. Each one of these I access via folder references. There is a lot of similarity between these products, and it would be very useful for me to be able to know I was setting up corresponding Xcode Projects consistently (one per product) with them. I thought that it would be possible to do this with .xcconfig files.So I made an 'Empty' Project, and put the .xcconfig files into it. Call this Project S.Then as I created the other Projects, I tried to set their Debug and Release configurartions to be based on certain of the higher-level components, by referencing the .xcconfig files in Project S. I could not. The only configuration available to me in these other Projects was None. I tried making Project S a subproject of each of the non-shared Projects, but still, nothing but None available for configuration.I tried dragging the individual files in Project S into one of the non-shared Projects, but still, nothing but None.Am I just barking up the wrong tree? I guess I could try having symlinks named Project_X_YYY.xcconfig to Project S's YYY.xcconfig, for all values of YYY, and for all non-shared Projects X0, X1, X2 …; that would be a huge kludge, though.Can this be done and is there an elegant way to do it?
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