




White screen only in Xcode Emulator
Hi My app was rejected from app store because of this problem. "when launched the App for the first time only a blank screen is shown". I've tried my app on ipad and iphone and it works correctly. If I run the app on emulator from xcode remains stuck in white screen. Xcode don't give me any error so I don't have an idea of how resolve the problem. I've searched a lot on Google but nothing helped. Someone else dealed with this problem? I don't know if should help, my app was made with Ionic/Stencil + Capacitor. No problem on Android.
Dec ’20
Invalidate privisiong profiles when add/remove App Capabilities
Hi My application it's already published on the App store. I need to add "Associate Domains" to capabilities so I can use Universal Links in my app. If I save the edit of the capabilities list, a popup appears: Modify App Capabilities Adding or removing any capabilities will invalidate any provisioning profiles that include this App ID and they must be regenerated for future use. This will compromise the future updates of the app and the version that is still on the store?
Feb ’21
Deep linking: Error no apps with domain entitlements
I have a problem with Deep links in iOS using capacitor. I've done all the needed steps: added "associated domains" capability created apple-app-site-association file. uploaded the file on https added on xcode the that I need Using this tool it's all ok but not one step. I have this error "Error no apps with domain entitlements"  I'm guessing that the problem is that when I added a feature the provisioning profile created earlier was invalidated. I need to create another provisioning profile also only for testing purposes? I'm stuck from days
Mar ’21