Hi all,
I worked on launching widgets so I keep an eye out for them. With that said, I noticed a couple of my (both first and third party) apps had duplicated widgets on the minus one screen that I had not added.
Since I’m not sure when they were added, everything I tell you is speculation. With that said, I did have these apps’ Today Widgets before. So maybe that’s related?
Anyways, I’m worried this is affecting our metrics since we see many widgets installed but not interacted. We use widget center getCurrentConfiguration to get the number of widgets installed.
Any insight? Is this a known bug or a known feature?
So if we use getcurrentconfigurations - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/widgetkit/widgetcenter/getcurrentconfigurations%28_:%29 per this discussion - https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/657559?answerId=627747022#627747022, we only get the number of unique (kind/family/configurations) combination there are installed.
That is to say, that if a user installs more than one of the same kind, family and static configuration, we only get one configuration for all those widgets installed.
Is this expected? Is there a way to get the number of instances for the widget?