




Dismissing a Window that contains MTKView no longer updates
I'm writing a swift app that uses metal to render textures to the main view. I currently use a NSViewRepresentable to place a MTKView into the window and a MTKViewDelegate to perform the metal operations. It's running well and I see my metal view being updated. However, when I close the window (either through the user clicking the close button or by programatically using the appropriate @Environment(\.dismissWindow) private var dismissWindow) and then reopen the window, I no longer receive calls to MTKViewDelegate draw(in mtkView: MTView). If I manually call the MTKView::draw() function my view updates it's content as expected, so it seems to be still be correctly setup / alive. As best as I can tell the CVDisplayLink created by MTKView is no longer active (or at least that's my understanding of how the MTKView::draw() function is called). I've setup the MTKView like this let mtkView = MTKView() mtkView.delegate = context.coordinator // My custom delegate mtkView.device = context.coordinator.device // The default metal device mtkView.preferredFramesPerSecond = 60 mtkView.enableSetNeedsDisplay = false mtkView.isPaused = false which I was hoping would call the draw function at 60fps while the view is visible. I've also verified the values don't change while running. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could restart the CVDisplayLink or anyother methods to avoid this problem?? Cheers Jack
Nov ’24