I'm running into this issue on Xcode 15 beta 7. It's the first time I've used WeatherKit. I've wasted a couple of hours banging my head, asking where I went wrong in the setup. I guess this will go into the backlog. 😥
Actually, I'm not 100% sure it's related to this but seems like it:
Aborting silent interpolation: additional missing products that need to be fetched from the server anyway; location=CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 34.177833894365044, longitude: -84.1331046257825), missing products=[WeatherDaemon.WeatherProduct.currentWeather, WeatherDaemon.WeatherProduct.forecastNextHour, WeatherDaemon.WeatherProduct.forecastHourly, WeatherDaemon.WeatherProduct.forecastDaily, WeatherDaemon.WeatherProduct.weatherAlerts, WeatherDaemon.WeatherProduct.airQuality]
Failed to generate jwt token for: com.apple.weatherkit.authservice with error: Error Domain=WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorServiceListener.Errors Code=2 "(null)"
Encountered an error when fetching weather data subset; location=<+34.17783389,-84.13310463> +/- 3210.23m (speed 0.00 mps / course 0.00) @ 8/27/23, 11:23:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, error=WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorServiceListener.Errors 2 Error Domain=WeatherDaemon.WDSJWTAuthenticatorServiceListener.Errors Code=2 "(null)"