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Working on my test application....because of my limited knowledge I am starting really simple.var Question1 = ("This is the first question.")var Question2 = ("This is the second question.")var Question3 = ("This is the third question")var Question4 = ("This is the fourth question")var Answer1 = Truevar Answer2 = FalseSo I have a data matrx for my questions, then one for my answers.I need to compare the answers to the questions...any advice?I'm after I randomly generate the question how do I compare to the answers? It's like I need to get the numbers from my question variables to match up to my answer variables? Just a noob tryiing to figure it out one line at a time. Shalom./
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How can I populate a list of a b c d answers being populated directly from the question array? I want a random quesiton to populate and put radio buttons for a b c d below with answers then check the answer.Can I put everything inside an array and check strings?Or is there a better method and logic that I need to comprehend?I was thinking about using switch statements somehow? Does anyone here know what terry A davis was talking about when he was talking about radic comparision in this interview? I was thinking that would almost be a more efficient way to compare data, but have absolutley no idea if the comparasin method even exists. THanks for your time. Shalom.
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What are the best methods to build a testing application using swift.... All I want is to pick a random questions from a list, with multiple choice answers.What my logic looks like right now...hey I am new to this...Class Question{var question1 = "question 1"var answer = "a"}func get question { random ????}????Yeah thats about where I am at as a new programmer.I really appreciate all the help. Thanks.
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