
Post marked as solved
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I'm trying to connect an iPad Pro to a breadboard to do some electronic experiments with, and develop a Swift application to help control things. I'm looking the iPad to help provide low power to the board so need to connect via the USB-C rather than Bluetooth. In order to work, I tried to connect a SparkFun Serial Basic Breakout - CH340C and USB-C board. When connected to an Apple Mac it shows up as "cu.usbserial-1420" and "tty.usbserial-1420", so I know the Mac can see it. Also can send output/input to it without issue. On connecting it to an iPad and running a Swift application using the External Accessory framework, I'm getting nothing when connecting/disconnecting the device. I thought there might be something coming through on the didConnectAccessory, didDisconnectAccessory notifications. I've also tried adding the above names to the info.plist file under "Supported external accessory protocols" and still nothing. I've been told that you don't have to join the MFI program when developing as a hobby and the External Accessory framework should be sufficient. Has anyone tried to connect their iPad Pro to a breadboard and been successful or point me in the general direction? The device details can be found at the website via /products/15096 as can't link directly. Thanks
by Infurious.
Last updated