I have a question with isEligibleForIntroOffer(for: groupId) that in which case that isEligibleForIntroOfferForGroupId changes from false to true. I found that a few user of our app isEligibleForIntroOffer changes. they used to buy a renewing-subscription with 3-day free trial. but 3 days later. i got from logs their isEligibleForIntroOffer becomes true. We rely on this field to determine whether to display products with free trials. there is only one product with free trial introductory offer.
I encounter a problem that duplicate charges for a single purchase. iI received two transactions with the same appAccountToken but different original transactionId.(a non-renewing subscription product). One of them is from Transaction.updates. The user of our app has already given us feedback twice. the phone runs iOS 18.0.1.