Hey guys! Has anyone found a solution to this issue?
My use case is exactly the same as the OP’s. I have two different widgets and need to reload both when updating data using AppIntent on the first widget.
As stated in this answer, the offset issue might also be caused by the default spacing of the containers used inside the ScrollView.
I'm experiencing the same problem, guys. I doubt it can be used in production with an issue like this.
I face the same problem. Chaning even a simple @Published property like Int from 1 to 2 in button action triggers the purple warning: "Publishing changes from within view updates is not allowed, this will cause undefined behavior." I believe it's an Xcode bug.
Hey guys, I've found a decent solution for this problem.
I've added 2 paddings to ScrollView and to content of ScrollView with the same amount of padding but one with NEGATIVE value like this:
struct ScrollViewClippingProblem: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Lorem Ipsum")
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
HStack(alignment: .top) {
ForEach(0..<10, content: { item in
.shadow(color: .blue, radius: 10, x: 15, y: 10)
.padding(.vertical, 40) // <- add padding here to make the space for the shadow
.padding(.vertical, -40) // <- add NEGATIVE padding here of the same value to shrink the space you created with the padding above
Text("Lorem Ipsum")
I hope this helps! :)