




Reply to Background Location Update stops randomly after some time
thought this was an issue with iOS 12 that was fixed, but now it's re-surfacing in iOS 13.7 - 14.1. other apps (using the same code) on the same device are receiving locations just fine. app is even running and logging activity, but sometimes stops receiving locations. p.s: permissions are also granted and set to precise, according to the location manager, significant location fires.
Nov ’20
Reply to How To Prevent The Screen Saver In El Capitan
I'm on MacOS 12.1 i've tried: ProcessInfo.processInfo.performActivity(options: [.idleDisplaySleepDisabled, .userInitiated], reason: "...") IOPMAssertionCreateWithName(kIOPMAssertionTypeNoDisplaySleep as CFString, UInt32(kIOPMAssertionLevelOn), "..." as CFString, &assertionID) IOPMAssertionDeclareUserActivity("..." as CFString, kIOPMUserActiveLocal, &self.assertionID) they all prevent display sleep fine however, neither of these prevent the screen saver ("Preferences>Desktop & Screen Saver") from starting at a loss, have no idea other than to tell users to turn off the screen saver. if they have display sleep turned on they shouldn't be needing it ever anyways.
Jan ’22