




Filter a list of Item objects on a related Product Object passed as a Bindable
I'm currently developing a SwiftUI application that utilizes SwiftData for data management. I am facing a challenge when trying to filter a query. Specifically, I want to filter a list of Item objects to match a Product instance that is passed to my View. error : Instance member 'product' cannot be used on type 'MainItemListEncap'; did you mean to use a value of this type instead The view // // 311.1.1. MainRefToItem.swift // ComparePrice // // Created by Herman VAN CAUWELAERT on 11/12/2024. // import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct MainItemListEncap: View { @Bindable var product: Product @Query( filter: #Predicate { item in item.productGroup == product }, sort: [SortDescriptor(\] ) var items: [Item] @Environment(\.modelContext) var modelContext var body: some View { ForEach(items) { item in VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text( Text(item.description) } } } } the product class. import SwiftData import Foundation @Model final class Product: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible { @Attribute(.unique) var productName: String var productDescription: String var outputCurrency: String // Gebruik een `String` als opslag voor `outputSystem` var outputSystemRawValue: String = MeasurementSystem.metric.rawValue // Computed property om `MeasurementSystem` te gebruiken var outputSystem: MeasurementSystem { get { MeasurementSystem(rawValue: outputSystemRawValue) } set { outputSystemRawValue = newValue.rawValue } } // er zijn verschillend item versies voor een product // als er een hoofdproduct gedelete wordt, dan zullen alle onderliggende items ook gedelete worden @Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \Item.productGroup) var refToItems = [Item]() init(productName: String = "", productDescription: String = "what is this product", outputCurrency: String = "EUR", outputSystem: MeasurementSystem = MeasurementSystem.metric) { self.productName = productName self.productDescription = productDescription self.outputCurrency = outputCurrency self.outputSystem = outputSystem } } the item class import Foundation import SwiftData @Model final class Item: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible { var timestamp: Date @Attribute(.unique) var name: String var productGroup: Product? var shop: String //TODO: becomes Shop var price: Double var currency: String var quantity: Double var unit: String //TODO: becomes Unit var isShown : Bool var minimumQuantity: String var rateStr: String { conversionRate != nil ? " (rate: \(ValueFormatter.shared.format(conversionRate!)))" : "" } init(timestamp: Date = Date() , name: String , shop: String = "Colruyt" , price:Double = 1.00 , currency: String = "EUR" , quantity: Double = 1.0 , unit: String = "g" , isShown:Bool = true , conversionRate: Decimal? = 1 , minimumQuantity: String = "1" ) { self.timestamp = timestamp = name = shop self.price = price self.currency = currency self.quantity = quantity self.unit = unit self.isShown = isShown self.conversionRate = conversionRate self.minimumQuantity = minimumQuantity } }