exactly the same issue on my m1 MBP, no luck to rescue my data.
normal boot just an apple logo and status bar for a long time.
recovery mode, it shows "there are no users on this volume to recover."
no disk utility on the menu bar, just a startup disk option.
I tried to use startup disk option to boot an external macos monterey system. It said "This volume does not have any authorized users for this computer"
only 2 options for you: 1. authorize users 2. continue.
when choose "authorize users" to authorize the user in my external system, still not allow to boot my external system disk
when choose "continue", It said "The version of macOS on the selected disk needs to be reinstalled" and same not allow to boot
WTF, just upgrade the mac system and destroy all my data, and doesn't provide a way to backup my data