why do all flows droped ? I want each flow can be filter by handleInboundDataFromFlow or handleOutboundDataFromFlow, but sometimes , handleInboundDataFromFlow and handleOutboundDataFromFlow did not called , the following codes will cause all flows droped, why ?
- (NEFilterDataVerdict *)handleInboundDataFromFlow:(NEFilterFlow *)flow readBytesStartOffset:(NSUInteger)offset readBytes:(NSData *)readBytes {
DDLogDebug(@"method '%s' invoked for flow: %@ ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, flow.identifier.UUIDString);
//DDLogDebug(@"handleInboundDataFromFlow: %lu", [readBytes length]);
NSMutableDictionary *extraInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if ([self isUDPProtocol: flow]) {
//so far, we only support UDP dns
NSDictionary *dnsInfo = [DNSPacketParseHelper parsePacket: readBytes];
if (dnsInfo) {
extraInfo[@"dns"] = dnsInfo;
DDLogDebug(@"DNS packet parsed: %@", dnsInfo);
} else if ([self isTCPProtocol: flow]) {
//so far, we only support http, not support https
NSDictionary *httpInfo = [HttpPacketParseHelper extractHTTPFieldsFromTCPData: readBytes isOutboundPacket: YES];
if (httpInfo && httpInfo.allKeys.count > 0) {
extraInfo[@"http"] = httpInfo;
DDLogDebug(@"Http packet parsed: %@", httpInfo);
return [self handlePacket:flow withExtraInfo: extraInfo];
- (NEFilterDataVerdict *)handleOutboundDataFromFlow:(NEFilterFlow *)flow readBytesStartOffset:(NSUInteger)offset readBytes:(NSData *)readBytes {
DDLogDebug(@"method '%s' invoked for flow: %@ ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, flow.identifier.UUIDString);
//DDLogDebug(@"handleOutboundDataFromFlow: %lu", [readBytes length]);
NSMutableDictionary *extraInfo = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if ([self isUDPProtocol: flow]) {
//so far, we only support UDP dns
NSDictionary *dnsInfo = [DNSPacketParseHelper parsePacket: readBytes];
if (dnsInfo) {
extraInfo[@"dns"] = dnsInfo;
DDLogDebug(@"DNS packet parsed: %@", dnsInfo);
} else if ([self isTCPProtocol: flow]) {
//so far, we only support http, not support https
NSDictionary *httpInfo = [HttpPacketParseHelper extractHTTPFieldsFromTCPData: readBytes isOutboundPacket: YES];
if (httpInfo && httpInfo.allKeys.count > 0) {
extraInfo[@"http"] = httpInfo;
DDLogDebug(@"Http packet parsed: %@", httpInfo);
return [self handlePacket:flow withExtraInfo: extraInfo];
- (NEFilterDataVerdict *)handleInboundDataCompleteForFlow:(NEFilterFlow *)flow {
DDLogDebug(@"method '%s' invoked for flow: %@ ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, flow.identifier.UUIDString);
return [NEFilterDataVerdict allowVerdict];
- (NEFilterDataVerdict *)handleOutboundDataCompleteForFlow:(NEFilterFlow *)flow {
DDLogDebug(@"method '%s' invoked for flow: %@ ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, flow.identifier.UUIDString);
return [NEFilterDataVerdict allowVerdict];
- (NEFilterNewFlowVerdict *)handleNewFlow:(NEFilterFlow *)flow {
DDLogDebug(@"method '%s' invoked for flow: %@ ", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, flow.identifier.UUIDString);
int PEEKSIZE = 512;
NEFilterNewFlowVerdict *flowVerdict = [NEFilterNewFlowVerdict filterDataVerdictWithFilterInbound:YES
return flowVerdict;
handleOutboundDataFromFlow and handleInboundDataCompleteForFlow will not be called when PEEKSIZE == 0 ?
all flows will be drop ?
In some client systems, when loading new startup items with the load -w command, issues arise if the new items belong to a team that already has existing startup items. In certain client systems, the newly added startup items fail to load with load -w, and restarting the system does not resolve the issue. Why does this occur?