Here is the top of the JSON and the first item of the array.
JSON example.txt
I want to use title, description, poster, and the link in videos.mp4.480
I have successfully received some JSON. Ran it through JSONSerialization and created a dictionary from. I can access any key: value pair but I can't seem to access a key with what I want to call nested properties/objects. I am new to Swift so I am unsure of terminology. Anyways here is an example of the key I want to access.
"videos": {
mp4 = {
1080 = "";
240 = "";
360 = "";
480 = "";
Here is the chunk of swift I would have thought found what I want:
if let link = movieDict["videos.mp4"]?["480"] as? String? {
self.videoLink = link
Here is the swift file containing the structs:
class Movie{
struct Welcome: Codable {
let error: Bool
let message: String
let response: Response
struct Response: Codable {
let totalRows: Int
let rows: [Row]
struct Row: Codable {
let title, cleanTitle: String
let videos: Videos
let poster, thumbnail: String
struct videos: Codable {
let vides: [String: String]
enum TypeEnum: String, Codable {
case video = "video"
struct Videos: Codable {
let mp4: [String: String]
var title : String!
var posterPath : String!
var videoLink : String!
Please help! I have been banging my head against the wall!
Trying develop a sign-in screen for a tvOS app. Getting a couple of errors. Using a sample app and it appears a number of things are happening. Here is one of the errors.
2022-10-20 15:30:43.685149-0500 testSignIn[29629:2579088] [siwa] Credential State request returned with error: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7074 "(null)"
and then later I see the next one.
2022-10-20 15:39:39.155369-0500 testSignIn[29629:2579082] [siwa] Authorization failed: Error Domain=AKAuthenticationError Code=-7027 "(null)" UserInfo={AKClientBundleID=KaiserClix.testSignIn}
I am new to Apple development so I am unsure what exactly I need. Trying to learn via the sample app but I can't get it work.
Please help! Been banging my head against the wall.
Writing an app that uses a UICollectionView and I need to add security. Found the ShinyTV demo and it is what I want to do but I am having a hard time figuring out how do I access/call the UICollectionView code?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!