Some more info - minimum deployment is set to iOS16. The errors received:
“This bundle is invalid - The value provided for the key MinimumOSVersion '16.0' is not acceptable.” And “Invalid Siri Support - Localized description for custom intent: 'Configuration' not found for locale: en” When can I upload my app for review and why is not working in its current state? Thanks! ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED. Thanks!
It does not appear to work now even though the R.C Build of Xcode is out.
Hello, I want to enable background blur on safari for google meet but when I do so it says "unsupported browser." Does anyone know what I can do about that?
Hello, I have a 2012 mid year retina MacBook Pro and Big Sur is not supported on it. Can I still participate in the challenge since the program has to be built on Mac OS 11.2.3?
I want to ignore safe are on only some devices. Is there a conditional statement where I can only ignore safe area on specific models of iPhone?
I want to change the background color through a button that the user can press. Does anyone know how I can do that?
`.navigationBarTittle("pick a mode", displayMode: .inline)
I am trying to add a navigationBar title but when I do that it causes a gap to form between my page and the title. Anyone know the problem?
I am trying to create a done button for my number pad text field but I can't seem to find a way to do it in Swift UI. Can anybody help me out?