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Judging by this subforum, others are experiencing this same issue lately, namely that application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:) isn't being called, which seems to indicate that silent notifications are just not coming in anymore.For us, this seems to have started around the time iOS13 was released, possibly a little earlier, but we've only just noticed recently and started troubleshooting it.We use AWS SNS to dispatch both active and silent notificationsThe active notifications are all working just fineAWS SNS logs indicate that the silent notifications are correctly sent to APNS (status 200)Yet our app either never receives them or never calls the didReceiveRemoteNotification method in AppDelegateSolutions we've tried:Ensuring that the notification payload doesn't have any of the user-visible properties (alert dictionary)Setting the new apns-push-type APNS header, along with setting the priority header to 5Omitting the apns-push-type header and priorityNothing seems to make a difference, and the silent notifications are simply never delivered. We've been testing this across multiple devices with different usage activity patterns for weeks now, and not a single silent notification has ever come through.Does anyone have any insight on recent APNS changes or Notification API changes that may be causing this issue?Or alternatively, any idea how to debug this further, given that APNS itself is a black box? As in, the furthest we can see from our backend is the successful delivery of the notification request to APNS, and the only thing we can see from our client's side is that the didReceiveRemoteNotification method is never being called. Are there any other troubleshooting approaches?
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Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
Assuming the app isn't published to the app store yet (but has been tested via TestFlight in iTunes Connect), is it possible to simply setup corporate developer account certificates and provisioning profiles?And is it possible to use the personal account that owned the app before as an admin on the corporate account's team? I've tried to do something to this effect, but Xcode keeps throwing out various issues revolving around the Bundle Identifier and certificates.The App Transfer option in iTunes Connect doesn't seem to be available to me, which I assume is because of the app not actually being published on the App Store, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to take over ownership and provide all necessary functionality (development, publishing, APNS).Can anyone help clarify what the most efficient way of doing this is?
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