
Post marked as solved
17 Replies
I still encounter this issue in the final version of Xcode 15.0 (15A240d). It would be great to have previews available on watchOS to help with complications and widget development.
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13 Replies
This does still not work in Xcode 15 and the iOS 17 simulator, unfortunately.
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There is nothing wrong with my request payload. I've realized that this API endpoint does not work with in-app purchases which are not yet cleared for sale. I've used one of these for testing, and that caused the issue. A clear error message would be nice though.
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I've tried Apple's suggestion and scheduled my notification on both devices with the same UNNotificationRequest identifier and date. As a result, the notification is now triggered twice. At the correct time on the iPhone and with a 13-second delay on the Apple Watch.
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This appears to be an issue with the iOS 16.1 simulator. The status bar customization works fine on iOS 16.0 and below. I've reported the issue to Apple (FB11831131).
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3 Replies
Thank you, ColtonJ! My AppIntents were no longer visible in the Shortcuts app and this solved my issue. Another tip: If you use SwiftFormat in your project and write code like static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Some Name") it will get reformatted to static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation = .init(name: "Some Name") which breaks the metadata processor again. Therefore I recommend using the following syntax: static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "Some Name")
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There is another thread on this issue where one user got feedback from an Apple engineer: So I got an answer from a framework engineer on Twitter and it seems that the curved text in the corner won't be supported in watchOS 9. We're supposed to work around by setting a font like .system(size: 28, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded) to get a similar text size but it won't be curved. The other "issue" with the gradient gauge was a misunderstanding of mine: I thought it's only possible to tint it in combination with a gauge style but we can of course just add a .tint(gradient) modifier This bug/oversight is currently blocking my migration to WidgetKit-based complications since you cannot combine the two frameworks for different slots.
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17 Replies
I can confirm this issue on the latest Xcode 14.1 beta 3 (14B5033e).
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Here is a workaround that works great for me so far:
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I'm encountering the same error message with an app intents extension. As a workaround, I've disabled the extension and added its code to my main app target. I'm not sure if this is also possible in your case.
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I have received the following feedback from Apple: This is correct behaviour. If you have both a phone and watch app installed we’ll try to coordinate between phone and watch notifications if the phone is unlocked. If the app developer doesn’t send a notification on the phone the watch will timeout after 13 seconds and alert anyway. The best solution to this would be to send the same notification on both devices ensuring the UNNotificationRequest.identifier matches on a per-instance basis. This will let us alert and deduce correctly.
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I'm experiencing the same issue since watchOS 8.0. I've submitted a bug report: FB9842030
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I've stumbled upon the same bug while working on my iOS 14 widgets. My current workaround is to convert the UIImage into Data and use the init(imageData: Data) initializer. if let imageData = uiImage.pngData() { 		let inImage = INImage(imageData: imageData) 	... }
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10 Replies
I've noticed this issue as well. It only affects the watchOS 6 simulator though. I currently use Xcode 11.4 together with the watchOS 5.3 simulator to test UserInfo transfers.