




iOS 18 beta 2 multiple issues and work arounds
First installed iOS couple days ago. IPhone SE able to function as normal. Then came the beta 2 update, which resulted in multiple issues. List of issues: Phone heats up and battery gets drained Phone restarts after 13-15 minutes of normal use, doesn’t matter which app Touch screen either lags or is unresponsive Face ID to unlock phone is random After the phone restarts it self, locking and unlocking the phone freezes the lock display Workarounds for above issues: Voice recognistion as draining the battery as per information in settings>Battery. Turned it off. Only appear to fix for short term, above issues reappear. Tried to close all the apps and clear storage as much as possible . issues persist had to wait a few seconds for the phone to catch up after using the touch screen Reset Face ID. Confirmed Face ID working for authentication apps. Temporary fix as issue reappear after phone restarts itself Press the lock button again and try to unlock phone. Also use iwatch to unlock phone. Only temporary work around until the phone restarts its self. Bottom line, a user should NOT have to look for a work around but the work around at least buys the user a few more minutes of phone use before it restarts itself again. Does anyone know when’s the next update? I’m avoiding using maps while driving at the moment just incase it freezes while driving.
Jun ’24