




Reply to Custom encoder encodes only superclass keys
I guess you are right.Cause this is the same result with JSONEncoder:{ "L1_B_KEY" : 222, "L1_D_KEY" : 4.4000000953674316, "L1_A_KEY" : "AAAA" }I don't know what's default encode(to:) implementation.It's just hard for me to believe it is implemented so poorly not considering inheritance.I am wondering maybe some special behavior needed, like handling codingPath to make sublass encode keys right.
Feb ’20
Reply to Type 'ToggleStyle' has no member 'switch'
I believe this is related to this warning of Xcode 13.0 oficial release(13A233)(not beta). macOS deployment target 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 12.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 10.9 to 11.3.99. So it seems after i upgraded Xcdoe 13 beta to Xcode 13 i lost ability to build for 12.0... And now i can't event download Xcode-beta 13... Ideas ?
Oct ’21