




Reply to CoreBluetooth L2CAP Channel MTU Limit
6 years later, CoreBluetooth still does not provide a proper API for setting the connection parameters and the L2CAP COC parameters when being a central. I'm sorry, but I don't buy that the SDK chooses the "best" parameters for the current situation. When the Apple device is the peripheral, I can get up to 100KB/sec, when the Apple device is the central, I get up to 36KB/sec, which is sub-par.
Apr ’24
Reply to Bluetooth L2CAP iOS
The CoreBluetooth L2CAP API refers to BLE, not classic BT. With Apple device as central, you will not get good performance, since the channel parameters (L2CAP COC SDU + MPS) and connection parameters can't be set. There's just no API for that (opened FB13742028 for that). I was able to get 36KB/sec for that scenario. With Apple device as peripheral, you should be able to get up to 100 KB/sec. I have been able to achieve that using an ESP32S3. Note that you make sure to use BLE4.2 DLE (which might not be enabled as default on your system) and a sufficiently high SDU. Apple devices seem to support up to 2048 as SDU.
Apr ’24
Reply to Protocol availability inconsistencies related to modern serial layers
I have a similar problem. We're building hardware to interface with cars and trucks. While this works ok using wireless technologies, having a wired connection would be of tremendous help with regards to stability and speed. With the iPhone moving to a USB-C, I wonder about the future of the ExternalAccessory framework and the mfi program. What are the chances that Apple includes an FTDI driver in iOS?
Oct ’23
Reply to External Accessory Deprecated?
Judging from the non-existent response to feedback reports about EA, it doesn't look like anyone is still working on EA. Then again, the debug output has changed in iOS 17, so that would suggest otherwise… Together with the iPhone moving to USB-C connectors, the future seems pretty uncertain.
Sep ’23