There seems no way to work with NavigationSplitView other than List at first column for now, but I think adding a empty List with selection parameter can solve this problem almostly.
Here's my solution:
var categories : [Category]
// can be replaced to NavigationPath
@State var path : Category? = nil
@State var subpath : Item? = nil
var row = [
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
LazyVGrid(columns: row) {
ForEach(categories) { category in
Button(category.title) { path = category }
// can use NavigationLink with value parameter, .onTapGesture, etc.
// coordinates with the NavigationSplitView via selection parameter.
List(selection: $path) {}
} content: {
// MiddleSidebarView(category: path, selection: $subpath)
} detail: {
// ...
You can resize or hide List, but always have to be active while navigation feature is needed.