




Xcode 16 Beta Swift Compiler Settings Missing
Really stumped on this issue my team is seeing with the Xcode 16 Beta (both Xcode 16 version 6 and Xcode 16.1). Wondering if anyone was having a similar issue and if this is a bug or something configured incorrectly. Basically, when I go to build settings and search for anything related to "Swift Compiler" nothing shows up. The only thing that appears with "Swift" in the title is under the User Defined keys (see attached) As such, I'm unable to change the Swift version for the project and I'm stuck in Swift 6 language mode which we're not quite ready for yet. This is only occurring on one of our targets. Our other app projects are behaving as expected. The project in question has the main target we build the project with and 2 support frameworks. The supporting frameworks are also working correctly. Its just the primary build target giving us fits. Curious if anyone is seeing something similar or has suggestions. Thanks!
Sep ’24