This seems to be the same problem I encountered early in the iOS 15 betas:
but the code where you use the scale value is missing from your example so I could not really say.
Apple has changed the documentation since then, so changing the frame inside the scale gesture seems not to be allowed any more.
You have to create an instance of class Root in our preview like this: RootView(rootToView: Root())
How is your ObservableObject imported inside the view? You have to use @ObservedObject oder @StateObject for @Published to work.
Ich bin gerade über eine der seltenen deutschen Seiten mit Swift-Artikeln gestolpert:
Das ist aber bereits für Fortgeschrittene.
(I just stumbled across one of the rare pages with articles about Swift:
It is for advanced users though.)
Unfortunately Swift Playgrounds App for iPad does NOT yet support import of password protected packages.
I hope they include this feature soon!
Perhaps file a bug report with to give the development team at Apple more incentive to do so?
I found the following workaround: If you separate the two conflicting methods into two different files as extensions on BTDelegate Playgrounds App compiles the code without an error. Unfortunately I could not yet test if in this case both delegate methods are still being called by CoreBluetooth.
Filed FB9333346 on Jul 15, 2021 and FB9684083 on Oct 7, 2021 but unfortunately the problem still persists. The documentation has been changed though, the old way seems to be discouraged though the .scaleEffect(magnifyBy) does not yield the same result.
Could be a „Known Issue“: In Xcode's 13.3 release notes it says:
The Swift compiler may produce spurious Sendable warnings about classes that inherit from a @MainActor class. (85223889)
Have you tried it using the 4.0.1 update of Swift Playgrounds which came out yesterday? It seems to work for me.
You could try if
.font(.system(size: 50, weight: .ultraLight, design: .default)).monospacedDigit()
gives the intended result.
Creating a card game with turning cards and everything needed is shown in length in the free cs193p video series from stanford university. Unfortunately I can't link it here, but a search for „cs193p“ in google gives the correct result.
You have to define a main function marked with the @main attribute containing your Task.
Playgrounds are special in a way that they run all top level code automatically, normal swift programs don't do that.
Yesterday Apple updated its iPadOS 15 web page:
For „Universal Control“ they added a badge saying that it was delayed to spring 2022.
For Swift Playgrounds they removed a footnote stating it would come „late 2021“. So there is still hope we will see it before the holidays.
My children and I are also waiting for it to be released and would be very disappointed if it was delayed even more. Come on Apple, you can do it!
The swift compiler's error message is misleading, but what happens if you write presentationMode instead of presentatoinMode ?
let bundle = Bundle(for: TheNameOfYourXCTestCaseSubClass.self)
Using the class name of your XCTestCase-derived class the above code gives you the corresponding Bundle.
Afterwards use the methods on Bundle to access the specific file.