




Reply to Xcode 16 warning about missing symbols of static framework
I do expect a binary inside the framework. The problem arises when someone else uses the framework in an app. Then, Xcode complains that there is a mismatched dSYM file, but our framework is a static framework and does not have a dSYM. (as you can see in the picture). This is how I generate each framework: xcodebuild clean build analyze -scheme "Sentry" -configuration Release -project "Sentry.xcodeproj" -sdk iphoneos MACH_O_TYPE="staticlib" GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS="NO" And then I use xcodebuild -create-xcframework to combine them. My main point is: something changed from Xcode 15 to 16 because this only happens in the 16. What changed and how to solve it? If you can take a look at the framework, I would really appreciate it: ( is the static one)
Aug ’24