




Xcode 14 Asset Validation Issue: 1024 by 1024 PNG Image Not Recognized in Assert Catalog
I am encountering a Asset validation failed issue with Xcode 14 when uploading .ipa file to TestFlight. Tried with uploading tools Xcode and Transporter. Despite of having a 1024x1024 pixel PNG image in my iOS asset catalog, Xcode is reporting an below error. Asset validation failed (90704) Missing App Icon. An app icon measuring 1024 by 1024 pixels in PNG format must be included in the Asset Catalog of apps built for iOS, iPadOS, or watchOS. Without this icon, apps cannot be submitted for review. For details, see (ID: 74e79ac5-0825-4ee3-ac5a-10ba3fc902cd) Here are the steps I have taken to address the issue. I have confirmed that the 1024x1024 pixel PNG image is present in the asset catalog. I have checked the image's dimensions and ensure that it indeed measures 1024x1024 pixels. I have re-imported the image into the asset catalog with Xcode 14 AllSizes, making sure that it is correctly associated with the target. I have cleaned and rebuilt the project to rule out any caching or build issues. To make sure the image properties, verified alpha channel is set as No. Also tried by adding Xamarin default AppIcons from default sample. Verified my Info.plist has key XSAppIconAssets and associated with correct AppIcon. Ensure Xcode and IOS SDK compatiblity. Version Details: Xcode : Visual Studio Professional 2022 for Mac, Version 17.6.4 Xamarin IOS: .NET SDK : 7.0.308 App Minimum Deployment Target is 15. Mac Os: Ventura 13.5.2 Despite these efforts, Xcode 14 continues to flag the image as missing during asset validation. This issue is particularly troublesome as it affects the smooth development of my iOS app. Has anyone else encountered a similar issue with Xcode 14, and if so, how did you manage to address it? Thank you in advance
Sep ’23