




Altool Depreciated Notary Tool Q/A?
I noticed that the Altool has been downgraded and is being replaced by the notary tool. I used to send pkg in for notarization like this xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "com.Product.pkg" -u "Email@com" -p "1111-2222-3333-4444" -t osx -f Product.pkg Is it possible to see/get an example of the new notary tool terminal command to be used instead? I assume also that stapling would be done in the same manor like this directly after notarization is complete and confirmed via email, xcrun stapler staple Product.pkg Thank you!!
Jun ’22
Notarize AU Component Help?
I am trying to notarize my audio plugin AUi component made with SynthEdit not made with Xcode. I can code sign the component and verify that it is signed in the terminal. Also I have made a PKG file and product signed and verified that it is product signed in the terminal. I made this pkg trying with both pkgbuild and Packages app and both verified in the terminal as product signed. When I go to upload it for notarizing no errors when uploading then I get an email saying it is not notarized. When I check what happened the only info that I get is invalid package code 2. I don't understand what I could be doing wrong to cause invalid package when I verified with the terminal it says it is product signed and code signed. I have spent many hours trying different combinations of forum suggestions and I still can't get it to notarize always the same result package invalid. Any help on this would be appreciated. Apple Support says that they do not support anything made outside of Xcode but my problem is the notary service which is an apple service I had thought. I just want my plugin to download, install, and be certified without having to bypass gatekeeper.
Jan ’21