@DTS Engineer
Thanks for explaining what was wrong with the first part!
import Testing
protocol ChartDataPoint { }
struct BodyFatPoint: ChartDataPoint { }
struct ActiveCaloriesPoint: ChartDataPoint { }
struct Tests {
let expectedBodyFatValues: [Double] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
let expectedActiveEnergyValues: [Double] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
@Test(arguments: [
BodyFatPoint.self as any ChartDataPoint.Type),
ActiveCaloriesPoint.self as any ChartDataPoint.Type)
func healthKitDataReading(
expectedData: [Double],
dataChartType: any ChartDataPoint.Type
) async throws { }
I want to use a variable in place of the double array. I’m using 365 values, and with 4 tuples of parameters, it’s a lot to see in the parameters.