I would clear my derived data, and make sure you have the new toolchain selected. Did you upgrade your project's definition file also?
I have not yet used SwiftData, but what init are you using for the SortDescriptor? I see this one in the documentation: [https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/sortdescriptor/3802525-init)
_ keyPath: KeyPath<Compared, Bool>,
order: SortOrder = .forward
) where Compared : NSObject
Is says that is needs to conform to NSObject. So might need to bridge it somehow so that the types are compatible. There is a way to do it via NSNumber.
Yes, the message came back for me too. I think it went away when I had the "developer version" of iOS installed, but comes back on my personal device.
Hello, with the latest beta software, this issue seems to be resolved. Thanks!
Yes, the same thing happened to me today. I forgot to add the "Capabilities" to each of my targets. I think you need to enable the "Background Modes" one, with 'Remote Notifications' and 'Background Fetch' checked in addition to just iCloud.