Hi all - I am following up on Conneires comments posted 1 day ago. Conneires is on to something. After trying all of the **** (apple replaced the word '**' with **** apple is very sensitive) (wow - think of a synonym for dumb) recommendations that are designed to eliminate problems by blind process of elimination (i.e. turn your phone off, turn it back on; turn your iPhone wifi off, turn it back on; turn your iPhone airplane mode on and off, turn your iPhone settings on and off, reset your iPhone settings, restore your iPhone settings - blah blah blah - "is your device plugged in to power source?". Just before I decided to chuck my phone out the window into a pond, I deleted my Express VPN app. Guess what? As soon as I did that everything - all of my apps and wifi connections are now back and fully functioning. Therefore, my genius tech sleuthing informs me that this DARN problem is a VPN matter. Delete your VPN app, get back on the internet, punch apple in the face. Now to figure out how to get VPN working.