if you check the code here,
var body: some Scene {
ImmersiveSpace(id: Self.id) {
CompositorLayer(configuration: ContentStageConfiguration()) { layerRenderer in
let pathCollection: PathCollection
do {
pathCollection = try PathCollection(layerRenderer: layerRenderer)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create path collection \(error)")
let tintRenderer: TintRenderer
do {
tintRenderer = try TintRenderer(layerRenderer: layerRenderer)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create tint renderer \(error)")
Task(priority: .high) { @RendererActor in
Task { @MainActor in
appModel.pathCollection = pathCollection
appModel.tintRenderer = tintRenderer
let renderer = try await Renderer(layerRenderer,
try await renderer.renderLoop()
Task { @MainActor in
appModel.pathCollection = nil
appModel.tintRenderer = nil
layerRenderer.onSpatialEvent = {
pathCollection.addEvents(eventCollection: $0)
.immersionStyle(selection: .constant(appModel.immersionStyle), in: .mixed, .full)
the only way it's dealing with the error is fatalError.
And don't think I can throw anything or return anything else?
Is there a way I can gracefully handle this and show a message box in UI?
I was hoping I could somehow trigger a failure and have https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/openimmersivespaceaction return fail.
but couldn't find a nice way to do so.
Let me know if you have ideas.
I'm following this doc to use metal in vision os.
I noticed that the tangent is being deprecated which is being used in the sample
will the sample code be updated?
I currently have 9 apps in the appstore connect.
And they are mostly on the testflight and testers are reporting crashes.
there's 2 apps that doesn't show up on the xcode organizer.
on the browser, there are builds and crashes reported, it doesn't show up on the app list.
What should I do to see those apps on the xcode organizer app list (top left dropdown)?