It appears that .sleepWrapUpYourDay has replaced .sleepPrepareForTomorrow in Beta 4.
Thank you!
Update: this was occurring for me for a Mac Catalyst app running on Xcode 12b3 on Catalina.
Rebooting solved the issue.
I'm getting this too Robby, although this isn't on DTK. Did you find a fix?
Yea it works on device but not in simulator. I just stubbed out all my MP calls as a temporary workaround.
FB7767345 (Unable to link MediaPlayer.framework on watchOS simulator)
To get around this, make sure WidgetKit is included in the “embed frameworks” build phase, and set it to “Optional”.
It will then work in iOS 13 and 14.
I had a similar issue. I think my fix was to ensure the .intentsdefinition also has your main app as one of its targets.
Is this bug affecting ProgressView also? I can't get the image to appear.
var body: some View {
VStack {
Gauge(value: 2, in: 1...7) {
Image(systemName: "music.note")
} currentValueLabel: {
Image(systemName: "music.note")
} minimumValueLabel: {
} maximumValueLabel: {
ProgressView(value: 0.7) {
Image(systemName: "music.note")
CircularProgressViewStyle(tint: .red)
The image successfully loads in the Gauge, but not in ProgressView.
I can only comment on local notiications: they definitely work for me on Catalyst.One change I had to make was to not have to wait for the permissions dialog response, since it is displayed asynchronously on Mac, whereas on iOS it's a modal.
I've now discovered the issue:My Catalyst app uses a separate .entitlements file to the iOS app, since it could not unavailable entitlements (e.g. HealthKit).However, when editing the entitlements through the Xcode visual editor, it was making changes to the iOS file.In this case, it is kind of an Xcode bug, in that it doesn't detect the separate entitlements files in the visual editor, yet requires separate entitlements file in certain cases.
My use case for this was an font that only contained symbols/glyphs, and then I'd use them NSAttributedString.My workaround was to replace these with images in my asset catalog, then use NSTextAttachment to embed that image. let attachment: NSTextAttachment
if #available(iOS 13, *) {
attachment = NSTextAttachment(image: image.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate))
else {
attachment = NSTextAttachment()
attachment.image = image.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
let imageString = NSMutableAttributedString(attachment: attachment)
imageString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: color, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: imageString.length))NSTextAttachment isn't available on watchOS.To set the colour of the image attachment, use addAttribute afterwards .foregroundColor.
I had the same rejection. I was subsequently able to alter the zoom functionality (or disable the green maximise button, depending on what you want to do).I haven't submitted this yet, so can't vouch for it passing app review, but here is my solution:1. Create a new target for your app. macOS -> Bundle. Use Objective C. Call it something like HelperBundle2. In your main target, go to General tab, add the new bundle under "Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Contact"3. In your bundle, create a single class, say HelperApp:HelperApp.h:#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
@interface HelperApp : NSObject
+ (void) disableMaximiseButton;
NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_ENDHelperApp.m:#import "HelperApp.h"
@implementation HelperApp
+ (void) disableMaximiseButton
for (NSWindow *window in [[NSApplication sharedApplication] windows]) {
[window setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenAuxiliary|NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenNone|NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenDisallowsTiling];
NSButton *button = [window standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton];
[button setEnabled: NO];
@end4. Now you need to call it from your main app. I made a method something like this. Sorry it’s in Obj-C:#if TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST
- (void) catalystDisableMaximiseButton
NSString *bundlePath = [NSBundle.mainBundle.builtInPlugInsPath stringByAppendingString:@"/HelperBundle.bundle"];
NSBundle *bundle = [[NSBundle alloc] initWithPath:bundlePath];
[bundle load];
NSObject *object = (NSObject *) NSClassFromString(@"HelperApp");
[object performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"disableMaximiseButton")];
#endif5. Now I call it. I could only get it working by calling catalystDisableMaximiseButton in the main view controller’s “viewDidAppear” method