Thank you very much for your answer, I solved my problem and now when try to upload the app to Apple Store connect i get the following error:
This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory. (ID: 3e413c57-b31a-4ae2-bc90-e7e29c340e46).
I don't know how to solve this, could you help me to understand and solve the problem ?
Thanks for your help!!
Thanks for your help, now I'm trying to upload the app to Apple Store connect and I get the following error:
This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory. (ID: 3e413c57-b31a-4ae2-bc90-e7e29c340e46)
Any idea of what I have to do ?