Some time ago doing some test and proof of concept of this new feature in my team and we was able to get the next values in the decrypted payment info
"merchantTokenIdentifier": "DNITHE3024137...........",
"merchantTokenMetadata": {
"cardMetadata": {
"longDescription": "Visa Test Card",
"cardCountry": "TW",
"shortDescription": "Visa Test Card",
"fpanSuffix": "0224"
"cardArt": [
"url": "
https: //"
"name": "cardBackgroundCombined@2x.png",
"type": "image/png"
by using an testing card, what I was wondering is, if there is no way to get a similar response by using any sandbox or testing tool provided by apple just to simplify the setup process as payment-merchant of apple pay