I am developing independent apple watch application.I need unique id of watch to register and call api.And I know using xcode and attached device I get unique id but I need unique id programatically.
Using NWPathMonitor, I get network information in watch simulator (with usesInterfaceType) and it showing right status, but in real device it's not working.It alway showing no network.I developed indepedant watch application
Is there any way to known about Bluetooth on/off in my watch application because to update that status to the user.I only want to know bluetooth on or off nothing else(not want to connect with any device).
We call significantLocationChangeMonitoringAvailable in iOS mobile device for getting update of location but in apple watch this function is not available.I want to call api from background when user change theire location more than 100 meters.I also try with distanceFilter function but not get result.